Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm still being used as a jungle gym.

I'm going to start posting pictures of my food again. I've noticed that this helps me be more accountable.

I've just been doing an exercise video and haven't ran. I guess I need to get my booty out there and run. I just don't feel like running enclosed inside a gym when it's so pretty outside. And I am a little scared running alone down my country roads way early in the morning. I've got to find me a running partner. In the meantime, I've got my dog. I do need to buy her a leash so that she won't run away from me and chase the cows.

I've got a quick story to tell.

I previously told y'all that I've been doing yoga. I try to do my exercises alone with no one watching. Nothing like having an audience.

Anyways, the boys always seem to make it into the room to watch or they become peeping Toms.

During the time of the video when I think that I can't do it anymore and Bob is telling me to keep going, that he's almost done, the boys try to encourage me as well. Not like Bob, but more like "That's not how they are doing it mom" or "Come on mom, I can do it better"

While I'm trying to do the poses, they think I'm a jungle gym and crawl under me, jump over me, try to avoid my hands when I'm swinging them around and so forth.

At first, it was a little annoying, but the more it's done, I enjoy it because I'm not thinking of my legs shaking, or my arms feeling as if they are going to fall off.

As a matter of fact, by the time this all happens, my whole body feels as if it's been tortured and I can't go on anymore.

The boys will show me how it's supposed to be done. I am not as agile as they are.

I do believe the poses are getting better because I've heard less of "that's not how to do it mom" and more of "that looks hard mom"

I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.


Kari said...

That's too funny. I do it my room so that my kids can't see what I'm doing and make funny remarks, because mine would say more than "That's not how they do it mom." It might be, "Mom, at your age are you sure your supposed to be doing that?" Not really, they really are supportive in their own way. Keep it up!

BARBB said...

YOU can do it!! YOGA is your will be muscle woman before you know it.. :P
I would volunteer to be your running mate..but ya..running is the DEVIL...
